
Little Shepherds Preschool & Daycare

The preschool ministry of Shalom United Methodist Church began in 1990. In 2000, the ministry expanded by adding latchkey services, and in 2012 our infant/toddler program was added. Many families in our community have enjoyed watching their children grow spiritually, academically, socially, and physically with us. We offer care 6:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday, and are only closed on major holidays.

For more information regarding our programs and enrollment, please contact Little Shepherds at 740-756-7529.

Infant and Toddler Program

Our infant program offers care for babies 6 weeks to 2 years. We provide very unique care in that our teacher/child ratios are extremely low for the best one-on-one attention possible.
Our toddler program is for children age 2 to 3 years and designed with a structured schedule providing circle time, art, gross motor time, and many other pre-planned, teacher provided activities to help get toddlers ready for preschool.

Preschool Program

We provide full-day classes for children age three, who are potty trained, through age five. The preschool classes have structured play and learning activities from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with free play time before and after. The Pre-Kindergarten class is designed for children who will be age eligible for Kindergarten the following school year.

We also have one class that continues o operate on a half-day schedule for families who do not need full-day childcare. In the part-time preschool program:
– 3 year old classes are two days a week (Tuesday/Thursday) from 9:00 am to 11:30 am,
– 4 & 5-year old classes are three days a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) from 9:00 am to 11:30 am, and
– Pre-Kindergarten classes are held Monday-Friday, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm


Currently our Latchkey program is Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Bloom-Carroll Schools provide transportation to school and back to Little Shepherds after school. While in our program, children receive breakfast and a pm snack. Primary students are provided quiet time and encouraged to work on homework. Intermediate students are required to work on homework during quiet time. We also provide lots of gross motor and recreation.

Summer Program

This Program is available for children going into kindergarten to those going into fifth grade. We strive to spend lots of time outside with field trips four times per week to various parks, pools, museums, etc.

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