Opportunities to Get Involved
Here at Shalom United Methodist Church, we are seeking to grow as we journey with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The best way to do that is to be involved within the life of the church, through worship, small group fellowship, and serving others. Here are just some of the ways you might be ‘Spirit-led’ to be involved, and to find your place within this community of faith.
Prayer Chain
Available 24-hours to pass on special prayer requests and needs. Please call the church office (740) 756-4855 or email us: churchoffice@shalomumc.org
Sunday School
Classes are available for all ages. Classes begin at 9:30 AM every Sunday morning.
Youth Fellowship
Our Youth Fellowship meets during the school year on Sunday evenings and participate in various events for fellowship, study, and Christian growth.
Home Fellowship & Share Groups
These home-based groups meet to get to know each other and to provide support and encouragement throughout the year. The basic question asked and answered is a way of sharing our life together as we seek to follow Jesus Christ – and it comes directly from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism: “How is it with your soul?”
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Our annual Vacation Bible School celebration is held in late July for area children entering preschool through 6th grade. Watch for fliers and this website to register your child.
Pantry Ministry
Serving families in need in the Bloom Carroll School District.